Category: Quebec

Ontario, ricoveri altalenanti e altre 17 vittime

TORONTO – 1.410 i pazienti Covid presenti negli ospedali dell’Ontario, ieri, vale a dire 266 in meno rispetto a sabato, ma 48 in più rispetto ad una settimana fa quando erano 1.362. Continuano dunque ad essere altalenanti i dati delle ospedalizzazioni, anche se per quanto riguarda ieri occorre tenere presente che durante il weekend non tutti gli ospedali forniscono gli aggiornamenti. Anche il numero di pazienti nelle terapie intensive potrebbe dunque esserre superiore a quello indicato ieri, cioè 187… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Ontario, fluctuating hospitalizations. Quebec reaches 15,000 COVID-19 deaths

TORONTO – 1,410 Covid patients present in Ontario hospitals today, 266 fewer than Saturday but 48 more than a week ago when they were 1,362. The data on hospitalizations, therefore, continue to be fluctuating, even if during the weekend not all hospitals provide updates. The number of patients in intensive care could therefore be even higher than that indicated today, namely 187. (more…)

Another 21 victims and active cases still decreasing in Ontario but not in Quebec

TORONTO – The “swing” of Covid hospitalizations continues: one day they drop, the next day they increase, and so on. Today in Ontario is the day of the decline: from the 1,734 yesterday to the 1,661 today. 202 patients in intensive care compared to 211 on Wednesday. The positive note is that there is a constant good data (at least so far) and it is that of the decline in active and known cases: today 31,464 against 31,675 on Wednesday (32,747 on Tuesday, 33,905 on Monday and 34,520 on Sunday). (more…)