Tag: almost

Almost 800 hospitalized: “Ontario in the sixth wave”

TORONTO – Ontario is in the sixth wave of the pandemic. An epidemiologist, Dr. Isaac Bogoch, specialist in infectious diseases, says so, but above all the numbers seem to say it: in a week, hospitalizations have increased by 23% and at the moment there are 790 patients with Covid-19 present in the hospitals of the province, compared to 655 just 24 hours earlier and 639 a week ago.  (more…)

Covid in Ontario, positivity almost doubled in seven days. More than 1.700 cases in Quebec

TORONTO – Over 1,400 new cases of Covid-19 and another 5 deaths related to the virus, today, in Ontario: the new infections are 1,429, down from 1,536 but up from 928 a week ago. With the increase in the number of cases in the last month, the seven-day moving average continues to rise and reaches 1,400 (a week ago it was 975): it is the highest average since last May 27 when it was 1,441. The positivity rate also reaches a maximum never seen in almost seven months: with 33,400 tests processed it is now at 6.6%, the highest since last May 18 when it was 7.6% (a week ago it was at 3.8 %: almost doubled in seven days).  (more…)