Tag: covid-19

Rifiutò il vaccino: licenziato e senza sussidio

TORONTO – Ha rifiutato di farsi vaccinare contro il Covid-19 e di sottoporsi al test dell’antigene per il virus ed è stato licenziato dal suo lavoro in alcuni ospedali della GTA. Poi gli è stata negata anche la disoccupazione, perché “licenziato per cattiva condotta”. A nulla gli è servito impugnare tale decisione, perché la Corte Federale si è pronunciata contro di lui, affermando che il motivo del suo licenziamento soddisfaceva la definizione di “cattiva condotta” della legge sull’EI (Employment Insurance)… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

He refused the vaccine: fired and without EI benefits

TORONTO – He refused to get vaccinated against Covid-19 and to undergo antigen testing for the virus and has been fired from his job in some hospitals in the GTA. Then he was also denied unemployment benefits, because he was “fired for misconduct”. It was useless for him to challenge this decision, because the Federal Court ruled against him, stating that the reason for his dismissal met the definition of “misconduct” of the EI (Employment Insurance) law. 


“Contagi stabili, ma non abbassare la guardia”

TORONTO – Rompendo un silenzio di settimane nonostante i livelli del virus respiratorio sinciziale, dell’influenza e del Covid-19, abbiano messo in ginocchio gli ospedali pediatrici dell’Ontario, il Chief medical officer dell’Ontario Kieran Moore (nella foto), ha affermato che le cose stanno migliorando ma ha esortato le persone a rimanere caute… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Covid-19, “misinformation has killed 2,800 people”

TORONTO – Fake news, testimonials and personal narratives used to suggest a distorted interpretation of reality and social networks used as a means of spreading false information: this and much more is discussed in the report drawn up by the Council of Canadian Academies, a non-profit organization that examines complex scientific topics of public interest. Including Covid-19, as in the case of “Fault Lines” (Expert Panel on the Socioeconomic Impacts of Science and Health Misinformation), a work supported by a gigantic bibliography (over sixty pages of references) from which it clearly emerges that misinformation on the coronavirus has done great damage to Canadian society, contributing to more than 2,800 deaths and an estimated $30 million in hospital visits and intensive care. Deaths that could have been avoided and money that could have been spent elsewhere.  (more…)