Tag: lecce’s

Minister Lecce’s announcement: ahead with EQAO tests and online lessons

TORONTO – After two years in which due to the Covid-19 pandemic, students have been tossed between distance learning and face-to-face lessons, parents are wondering what the next school year will be like. Today, during a press conference, Education Minister Stephen Lecce anticipated some funding from his government for the year 2022-23. “Funds to support the recovery of educational programs never completed and for those of mental health of students – said the minister – all this to allow them to start a more normal school year than the latter two”. 


Hating Catholics and Italians – Lecce’s Formula for Political Advancement

Article by The Hon. Joe Volpe — Video: CMNNG Staff

TORONTO – “Che vergogna!” How disgusting; how embarrassing; how disrespectful; how shameful – take your pick of the translation. That was the response of one writer on our editorial board when we looked at the TCDSB Assistive Technology Website, Connections and Conversations Team’s agenda for Tuesday’s meeting. (more…)