Tag: out?

Two out of three Canadians have caught Covid-19, the experts: “It’s a turning point”

TORONTO – It might sound like bad news, but it’s actually good: most Canadians have contracted Covid-19 since Omicron and its highly contagious sub-variants first appeared. Virtually two out of three Canadians have caught the coronavirus. And the news is good because, according to experts, this, added to the massive vaccinations made, generates broad immunity or, in any case, greater protection against the more serious forms of Covid.  (more…)

Disastro Rogers: neanche le chiamate al 911 col black out

TORONTO – Nemmeno le chiamate di emergenza erano garantite durante il “black out” di Rogers, due settimane fa. Una cosa gravissima. Un problema al quale la società, la Rogers Communications Inc., sta “cercando di rimediare” per garantire che le chiamate di emergenza possano sempre essere effettuate e che “nessuna interruzione futura cancelli più i servizi cellulari e internet”…