Tag: real

TIFF 2021: We are trying our best to go back to The Real Normal

TORONTO – There is a gaping hole in front of Roy Thomson Hall. Where there was once a long white pitched-up tent where the media elbowed each other to get a word in edge-wise to famous celebrities as they graced the red carpet, there now stand dog walkers picking up poop in David Pecaut Square. It is quiet. No screaming fans, no flash photography. But all is not lost. (more…)

My Real Israel: A Testimony of an Italian from Central Israel

Article by Lara Baumann

I don’t usually write about politics – especially Italian – and I don’t feel I have what it takes to be able to criticize the choices and votes of the citizens of a country where I haven’t lived for a long time and whose daily reality I no longer know. But these days, Facebook is full of criticisms and judgments towards Israel, also expressed by Jews, non-Jews, Arabs and anyone who thinks they know the facts because they have seen two minutes of the news. (more…)