Tag: virus

Virus, another 32 deaths in Ontario: 63 in two days

TORONTO – Wednesday 31 dead, today 32. In recent days, Covid-19 looks like a war bulletin. The number of victims in Ontario, since the beginning of the pandemic, is now rapidly approaching 13 thousand (today 12,921), while paradoxically, hospitalizations still drop from 1,698 to 1,676 (assuming that the decrease is not due to deaths more than to patient discharges). On the other hand, the number of infected people in intensive care is growing: 205 (+6).  (more…)

Il virus continua a uccidere: altri 32 morti in Ontario

TORONTO – Diminuisce lievemente, ma resta sopra quota mille, il numero dei pazienti positivi al Covid-19 negli ospedali dell’Ontario: 1.074 persone, ieri, contro le 1.091 del giorno prima. 168 quelle nelle terapie intensive, in discesa dalle 173 dell’altro ieri. Ma il dato allarmante, fra quelli di ieri, riguarda i decessi: 32 morti, che portano il totale da inizio pandemia in Ontario a 12.511… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>