Category: Your Preferences

CORRIERE CANADESE / Un ponte fra Palazzo San Gervasio e Toronto

TORONTO – Dal punto di vista personale e professionale, è sempre un piacere ricevere e ospitare delegazioni in visita composte principalmente da sindaci e consiglieri comunali e dalla loro diaspora residente nella nostra provincia e oltre. Per noi è una finestra sul mondo di una dinamica abitativa vicina al nostro cuore, alla nostra mente e alle potenzialità economiche che purtroppo troppo spesso ignoriamo… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Palazzo San Gervasio Town Council Visits Toronto

TORONTO – From a personal and professional point of view, it is always a delight to receive and host visiting delegations composed primarily of Mayors and Councillors of civic administrations associated to and with their Diaspora resident in our province and beyond. For us, it is a window on the world of a living dynamic close to our heart, our mind and economic potential which regrettably we too often ignore. 


New permanent residents: here are the targets

TORONTO – 485,000 new permanent residents in 2024, 500,000 in 2025 and 500,000 in 2026: these are the immigration quotas announced in Parliament on Wednesday by federal minister Marc Miller who spoke of “levels that allow us to introduce the skills and talents we need to fill job gaps and ensure Canada’s economic prosperity, help families reunite and remain a leader in refugee resettlement”.  (more…)