Tag: everyone

Green pass in Ontario, from tomorrow everyone can download the app

TORONTO – From tomorrow all Ontario residents vaccinated against Covid-19 will be able to download the new QR code online. Already on Friday the province made it possible to download according to the month of birth: on October 15th it was the turn of those born from January to April, on the 16th of those born from May to August and today, finally of those who celebrate their birthday from September to December. From 6 this morning, finally, everyone – regardless of the month of birth – can download their vaccination certificate with the official QR code. “This is for businesses and organizations to scan the QR code made available to people,” said Ford Premier spokeswoman Ivana Yelich. (more…)

Everyone at school tomorrow, but it’s a leap in the dark

TORONTO – The long-awaited day, that of returning to school after months and months, has also arrived for the students of the Toronto administrations, both public and Catholic. And it could be a good day, were it not for the thousand unknowns that loom also due to the delays in the reorganization of schools, necessary with the pandemic still underway. These first two days, then – tomorrow and Friday, then all at home again for the weekend – will be nothing more than a kind of “rehearsal” of what will happen during the school year. Impossible to predict, however, what will happen.  (more…)