Tag: stop

Covid-19, hospitalizations still down but the deaths don’t stop

TORONTO – Covid-19: the number of hospitalized in Ontario still drops, but the number of victims remains high: today another 19 bringing the total from the beginning of the pandemic to 12,307. Even today, however, it is not known which deaths, of those in recent days, were caused by the virus and which by other diseases with the virus in coexistence: the provincial health authorities did not specify this, contrary to what they had announced last week.  (more…)

Freedom Convoy, the protest does not stop

TORONTO – The Freedom Convoy protests, which started in Canada from Ottawa, are spreading like wildfire in 34 countries around the world including the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Argentina, Austria, Cyprus, New Zealand, Australia. The capital of Canada, where truck drivers arrived in large numbers on January 29, continues to be besieged by a hundred protesters. Today, shouting “Freedom!” and “Fake news!” a group of trucks reached Ottawa International Airport causing traffic disruptions and delays. 
