Tag: ‘wanted’

CORRIERE CANADESE / “Most wanted”, i 25 criminali più ricercati

TORONTO – Un nome dopo l’altro, i 25 criminali più ricercati del Canada sono stati annunciati ieri dal chief della Toronto Police Myron Demkiw durante una conferenza stampa in Yonge Dundas Square. Dodici dei 25 latitanti presenti in quest’ultimo elenco (nella foto sopra: cliccare per ingrandirla) avevano legami con Toronto mentre uno – l’italocanadese Daniel Tomassetti – è ricercato dalla polizia di Hamilton per omicidio. 


Peel Police and Halton Police: “He wanted to kill a policeman and he did”

TORONTO – He spent more than two hours at the Tim Horton in Mississauga before pulling the trigger at Andrew Hong, the policeman who unaware of what was about to happen, entered the venue for a quick lunch. There, however, the Toronto police officer who was in Mississauga to give a motorcycle training course at the request of Peel’s police, found death. 


Afghanistan, the new Islamic government: among the ministers a ‘wanted’ from the FBI. Italy: “We will return to Kabul”

KABUL – Italy and Afghanistan: faraway, so close. After the “Taliban” opening in recent days, with the invitation of the spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid to reopen the tricolor embassy in Kabul, today the Italian Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio, declared that Italy wants to guarantee a government presence in the Islamic Emirate. “With the countries of the area and with our partners we are reflecting on the creation of a joint presence in Afghanistan with mainly consular functions and which serves as an immediate point of contact”, said Di Maio in the briefing on Afghanistan in the Parliament. (more…)