Day: 15 November 2023

Economists: “We are moving towards an interest rate cut”

TORONTO – For the first time in a long time, economists expect the Bank of Canada to begin cutting interest rates in mid-2024 to avoid a deep recession. Last month, Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem reiterated what he said when rate hikes began in March 2022, that the central bank would lower the lending rate once inflation had reached 2%. “We don’t need to wait until we get back to 2%,” Macklem then told the parliamentary finance committee on October 30. “We have to wait until we are clearly on the path to 2%”. (more…)

CORRIERE CANADESE / Proiezione dei seggi: in arrivo valanga conservatrice, crollo dei liberali

TORONTO – Una valanga di seggi per i conservatori, un tracollo netto per i liberali. Sarebbe questo il risultato elettorale se si votasse in questo momento, stando all’istantanea scattata ieri da Abacus Data che ha elaborato tutti gli ultimi sondaggi a livello federale per calcolare la proiezione dei seggi per i singoli partiti attualmente in parlamento… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>