Ein neuer Weg zum ständigen Wohnsitz in Kanada für über 90.000 Menschen
Nach Angaben des kanadischen Ministers für Einwanderung, Flüchtlinge und Staatsbürgerschaft, Marco E. L. Mendicino, eröffnet sich der Weg zum ständigen Wohnsitz gerade für über 90.000 „essential“ Arbeitskräfte sowie internationale Studenten, die aktiv zur kanadischen Wirtschaft beitragen. Continue reading→
A new route to permanent residence in Canada for over 90,000 people
According to information provided by the Minister of Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship of Canada, Marco E. L. Mendicino, the path to permanent residence is just opening up for over 90,000 essential workers as well as international students who are actively contributing to Canada’s economy. Continue reading→
The concerning effects of social media
[GTranslate]Social media has infiltrated almost every aspect of modern life. Worldwide, social media users number about 3.8 billion, roughly 50% of the global population.
It is a means by which people can stay in touch, interact and a way to create and/or exchange information and ideas in a virtual environment. It can be a beneficial tool, especially at a time when medical experts advise keeping physically distanced to mitigate the spread of Covid-19. (graph 1, see above)
Nowa droga do stałego pobytu w Kanadzie dla ponad 90,000 osób
Według informacji podanych przez Ministra Imigracji, Uchodźctwa i Obywatelstwa Kanady Marco E. L. Mendicino, właśnie otwiera się droga do pobytu stałego dla ponad 90,000 „niezbędnych pracowników” – essential workers, a także dla międzynarodowych studentów, którzy wnoszą aktywnie wkład w gospodarkę Kanady. Continue reading→
Daily update of Ontario’s Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign
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[GTranslate]TORONTO – With the largest vaccination campaign underway, the province has administered more than 2.1 million doses into the arms of Ontarians. On March 31, the Ministry of Health reported 89,873 doses administered, up from 70,645 doses the day prior. Continue reading→
In Ontario 4,736 new infected and 29 more deaths
TORONTO – April 15, 2021: Canada stood yesterday at 1,093,564 positives for Covid-19, an increase of 6,412 more cases than in the previous 24 hours. Continue reading→
Status of Covid-19 cases worldwide
[GTranslate]Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of April 15, 2021 at 3:15pm EST.
India’s soaring Covid-19 cases reach another record high. The country’s health officials reported an additional 216,850 new infections in the last 24-hours. That is the highest single-day increase since the start of the pandemic.