Category: Toronto

The magic of Giotto in the spotlight with IIC and the Italian Consulate

TORONTO – The highly touted exhibition of the magnum opus of Giotto, the earliest of the Renaissance painters to lead a transformation in the cultural values of Italian and European societies, was a success. The opening of the event (yesterday), co-sponsored by Consul General, Luca Zelioli, and Veronica Manson, Director of the Istituto Italiano di Cultura, almost did not take place. It would have been unfortunate, and we would have been the less for it. The Westcoast weather conditions besetting the State of California nearly caused the cancellation of the air flights transporting highly sensitive, innovative technology on which the Show is dependent. But Giovanna Panebianco, member of “Hidonix”, persevered and managed to load the exhibit on a flight in time to afford us a first look at the the world of Giotto. 


CORRIERE CANADESE / Guerra al traffico: corsie riservate ai bus, nel mirino gli automobilisti

TORONTO – L’aumento delle tasse, seppur salatissimo, è solo fumo negli occhi. Quello che sta avvenendo a Toronto, sotto la nuova amministrazione guidata dal sindaco Olivia Chow, è un tentativo di trasformazione radicale della città nella sua interezza, partendo dal delicato sistema dei trasporti e dalla rete stradale che attraversa la città. E non tutti sono contenti, anzi… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>