What you see is what you get. Do you have that certain friend who takes pride in being transparent? Everyone appreciates that person. They are the epitome of what you see is what you get. Nothing is hidden. They are considered an open book.

In addition, such character trait is supported by freedom of speech. The person spews what is in their mind without filter. They do not care if their words would be destructive or constructive. As a result, walls are built, alienating people. They say what is in their mind without considering whether it would hurt anyone or not. It does not matter to them whether it would damage their own credibility and character. All they care about is to be able to spill out what they think. They think they are always in the right. They say the truth no matter what. They say things as is without contemplating if it is offensive or not.
Knowledge is a powerful weapon: it can help or destroy a person. Knowledge without tact is cheap and nasty. However, the world could be changed with little knowledge, but ample tact.
At the moment, I find myself having to deal with a mass of people online. These people are from all walks of life. I have not met many of them in person. I am one of the administrators in a social media gathering. And it is a humongous task to facilitate them. Oftentimes, they are fighting and their discussion is getting heated. Language used is unnecessarily offensive. Many fail to show respect to others.
 If I allow my emotions to rule my words, I could be harsh, rash, undiplomatic and yes, I could be tactless. Managing people is one of the hardest things I have learned in life. People with less than a stellar personality and who are moody can be trying for me.
Time, patience and empathy are required and they do not come naturally for me. Most of the time I get frustrated, irritable, and say things that can do nothing other than make things more difficult.
Knowledge for prudence, tact and wisdom are normally substituted in dealing with people. Knowledge has the power to persuade in and of itself.
 Let us take for example a wife asking her husband about a tight, unflattering and unattractive dress, “Does this dress make me beautiful?” What do you think about the husband who tells the truth that the dress makes her look fat? After all, he is telling the truth.
 It is tactless and imprudent. It is rash. And it is stupid. These are all in the same domain which I am speaking. It is a lack of graciousness in speech. Making hit-and-run comments is not always a good approach.
Tact requires sensitivity. Tact requires thoughtfulness. Tact requires patience. What power we possess in our spoken words. So, examine ourselves — how are we using our words? With our words, are we building or are we destroying?