Tag: canadá”

“Federals” strike: many inconveniences, but the negotiations do not go ahead

TORONTO – The weight of the hardships increases. The strike by federal civil servants – which shows no signs of ending – is disrupting services across the country, starting with the one relating to passports. “My best advice to Canadians is not to apply for the document at this time because it simply won’t be processed,” said Karina Gould, minister for families, children and social development. “So if you needed that document, they wouldn’t be able to provide it until after the strike action is over,” the minister said in an interview with Eric Sorensen on ‘The West Block Sunday’ broadcast on Global News (more…)

“Universal Echoes”: a new album by Kuné. The world in a (global) orchestra, tacklin’ climate change with music

TORONTO – Kuné means “Together” in Esperanto, the language created by the Warsaw-based ophthalmologist Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof in 1887, who intended to create the universal language for international communication. So, what better word (and language) to name an orchestra made up of elements from every corner of the world? 


CORRIERE CANADESE / Corsa a sindaco, Furey: basta piste ciclabili sulle strade principali della città

TORONTO – Stop alle piste ciclabili nelle principali strade di Toronto. A proporlo è stato ieri Anthony Furey, candidato alla carica di sindaco, che durante una conferenza stampa ha messo sul tavolo un’idea che potrebbe rappresentare una svolta in queste primissime battute di campagne elettorale. Anche perché il tema, a differenza del destino dell’Ontario Place o del Science Centre, ha un impatto diretto sulla vita dei cittadini. 
