Tag: “healthcare

Ontario’s Science Table: “The healthcare system is falling down”

TORONTO – A finale shock: exiting the scene, the Covid-19 Science Advisory Table – set up to deal with the pandemic and dissolved in September – painted a gloomy picture of the state of health in Ontario. Unequal distribution of access to primary care throughout the province, lack of data and serious general communication problems, inability to contact family doctors, exhausted health personnel. A disaster, in short.  (more…)

Budget 2022 and healthcare, first test for the Liberal-Ndp deal

TORONTO – Expectations are growing in view of the presentation of the 2022 Budget. All eyes are on the House of Commons, where Chrystia Freeland will present the first financial maneuver since last fall’s vote on Thursday. The interest in this budget law is also evident for another reason: it will be the first overall spending plan of the federal government after the legislature pact signed by the Liberal Party and the NDP, an agreement that if respected would guarantee the survival of the executive led by Justin Trudeau until June 2025. 


Chaos Alberta: Healthcare in state of crisis

TORONTO – Last July in Alberta practically all anti-Covid restrictions were eliminated. Prime Minister Jason Kenney, in fact, had implemented his “Open for Summer Plan”, a three-phase plan to reopen the economy that came into force at the beginning of June with which the former minister of the Harper government takes a different path from that of the other premiers. While in the rest of the provinces the line of a prudent reopening had been chosen, following the suggestions of the various technical scientific committees, in Alberta Kenney had opted for the “everything and immediately” approach.  (more…)