Tag: protest

Classes oversize at TCDSB’s schools, parents organize the protest

TORONTO – Classes oversize in the schools of the Toronto Catholic District School Board: the parents are preparing the protest. After the decision of the TCDSB to increase the number of students in the classrooms, exceeding the number of thirty for each classroom, “to save money” (the salaries of teachers whose number will be reduced), the families have decided to organize protests in front of the schools, tomorrow, from 8.30 to 10.  (more…)

School, there is no peace: protest and Covid-19 cases on the rise

TORONTO – The news that in the coming weeks there would be cuts to the teaching staff of the Toronto Caholic District School Board (TCDSB) to parents just did not go down. Today, a group of mothers and fathers of the students of the schools of the Catholic Board organized a protest that started in front of the Saint Pius X Catholic School which is located near Jane and Bloor Street.  (more…)

Kabul, women’s protest does not stop

KABUL – “Another epic #Kabul protest with Afghan women refusing to stop marching when facing off with #Taliban“: the tweet was posted today by Fazila Baloch, an activist who has been publishing images of the protests of Kabul women for days. In fact, in the Taliban capital, not a day goes by without Afghan women, now deprived of any rights and freedoms, taking to the streets to express their dissent. And, thanks to social networks, their protest is amplified worldwide.  (more…)

A doua doză de vaccin – între marșurile de protest și dorința de normalitate

Autor: FRANCESCO VERONESI — Video: Cristiana Petrescu 

TORONTO – În timp ce vaccinarea în masă se desfășoară conform programului, dorința de a reveni la normal crește după un an și jumătate de pandemie, petrecuta între blocaje și restricții. Și această dorință de normalitate, cel puțin deocamdată, se ciocnește cu precauția necesară cu care guvernul provincial a decis să redeschidă economia din Ontario. (more…)