Consolidação da LUSOFONIA no mundo “Dia histórico no Canadá”
O Sr. Cônsul-Geral de Portugal em Toronto no Canadá, Dr. José M. C. Mendes, sublinhou por mais de uma vez que o momento vivido na tarde de 28 de Janeiro de 2021 nos estúdios da Go Live Tv em Toronto se tratava de um momento histórico. Nesta tarde, no programa “Today in Toronto with Manuel Alexandre” estiveram presentes o Cônsul-Geral de Portugal acompanhado pelo Dr. José P.Ferreira e Daniela Fresco, ambos membros do corpo de funcionários do consulado português de Toronto e via “internet” a Dra. Wanja C. Nobrega, Cônsul do Brasil em Toronto e o Sr. Consul Adjunto Ademar Seabra. Continue reading→
Update of the Covid-19 Landscape
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[GTranslate]Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of March 2, 2021, at 3:00pm (EST).
Globally, there have been over 114 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 according to Johns Hopkins University data. Since the start of the pandemic, over 90 million people have recovered and more than 2.5 million fatalities were attributable to the virus.
বৈশ্বিক বহুভাষিকতা ও বহুজাতিকতা প্রতিষ্ঠায় কানাডা কি এগিয়ে আসবে?
Should Canada take a lead to promote multilingualism and multiculturalism worldwide?
মোহাম্মদ আলী বোখারী, সিএনএমএনজি নিউজ, টরন্টো থেকে
১৯৯৯ সালের নভেম্বরে ইউনেস্কোর ৩০তম সাধারণ অধিবেশনে বাংলাদেশ ও সৌদি আরবের যৌথ প্রস্তাবে ১৮৮টি দেশের ঐক্যবদ্ধ সমর্থনে একুশে ফেব্রুয়ারিকে অন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস হিসেবে প্রতিপন্ন করা হয়। পরবর্তীতে ২০০০ সাল থেকে সেটি পালনের অন্যতম উদ্দেশ্য দাঁড়ায় বিশ্বের ৭ হাজারের কাছাকাছি ভাষার সুরক্ষা সাধন ও প্রসার ঘটানো। Continue reading→
Italy joins Canada
against arbitrary detentions
[GTranslate]ROME – “Congratulations to Canada for the launch of the Declaration Against Arbitrary Detention in State-to-State relations. Ready to engage constructively with international partners to put an end to this heinous practice “: this is the text of the tweet published a few days ago in the official profile of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with which the Farnesina manifests Italy’s support for the Canadian declaration against arbitrary detention in relations between states. Continue reading→
Covid originated in animals,
WHO dismisses lab leak theory
[GTranslate]WUHAN – The coronavirus pandemic is “most likely” of animal origin. Research conducted so far suggests this, but the host animal remains to be identified. This was said at a press conference by Liang Wannian (in the pic), head of the team of Chinese experts who worked with the World Health Organization delegation on a mission to China to try to reconstruct the origins of the pandemic. “Bats and pangolins are potential candidates for the transmission of the virus”, he said. The WHO investigation team dismissed the idea that a lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology started the pandemic.
Update of the Covid-19 Landscape
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[GTranslate]Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of March 1, 2021, at 2:30pm (EST).
Globally, there have been over 114 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 according to Johns Hopkins University data. Since the start of the pandemic, over 90 million people have recovered and more than 2.5 million fatalities were attributable to the virus.
The changing tide of domestic violence during a pandemic
Article by Priscilla Pajdo – Corriere Canadese Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
Governo Draghi,
ecco chi sono i ministri
ROMA – Otto tecnici e quindici politici con alcune riconferme: il Governo Draghi è pronto. Il premier incaricato è salito al Colle per sciogliere la riserva e sottoporre la lista dei ministri al presidente della Repubblica, Sergio Mattarella, che l’ha approvata, firmando i decreti di nomina: il giuramento è previsto per sabato 13 febbraio alle ore 12.. Quindici, dunque, i ministri politici: 4 del M5S, 3 di FI, 3 del Pd, 3 della Lega, 1 per Italia Viva e 1 per Leu. Ma vediamo chi fa parte della squadra di governo.
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Draghi, the program
of the future government
[GTranslate]ROME – Draghi Government: which program? Among the key-points of the future executive, in the first place there is obviously the pandemic, against which the vaccination campaign is expected to revive the economy: restarting work and protecting the people who will not have it. Another point, the school, for which it is foreseen the extension of the school calendar and the strengthening of the teaching staff. Finally, the opening of construction sites, infrastructures and three major reforms: public administration, civil justice and taxation. The ongoing consultations with the parties focus on these issues. Will there be a good summary for everyone?