Month: October 2021

“La Marchigiana di Mendoza” vince il premio giornalistico italiano sull’emigrazione

PESARO – È Paola Cecchini – giornalista professionista di Pesaro e redattrice di ‘Progetto Radici’ curato dall’Associazione Nazionale ‘Italiani nel Mondo’  (Anim) – la vincitrice del quarto premio giornalistico dedicato alla memoria di Giuseppe “Bepi” Zanfron, iniziativa quest’anno dedicata all’emigrazione italiana di ieri e di oggi, organizzata da Assostampa Belluno e Sindacato Giornalisti Veneto, con il contributo del Consorzio dei Comuni del Bacino Imbrifero Montano del Piave appartenenti alla Provincia di Belluno e con il patrocinio della Regione del Veneto, della Provincia di Belluno, del Comune di Longarone, della Fondazione Vajont e dell’Associazione Bellunesi nel Mondo. (more…)

Ontario Covid-19 vaccination certificate system fails to accommodate marginalized people

The Ontario government has lifted capacity limits and made life a little easier for some establishments like restaurants, gyms and event spaces. Unfortunately, the provincial government has failed to meet the needs of individual with disabilities and specifically those unable to be vaccinated for Covid-19.

Establishments that require proof of Covid-19 vaccination remain inaccessible to marginalized groups. Their plight appears to be ignored when it comes to officials responsible in making policy decisions. (more…)

New defence, health, foreign affairs ministers in sizable cabinet shakeup

TORONTO – Many new faces, some confirmations, some surprises. The new federal executive evidently marks the will of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to turn the page and push on the accelerator in the government agenda, after the vote of last September 20 that once again handed over power to the liberal leader, albeit with a relative and not an absolute majority. Compared to the previous government team, there are only seven ministers who retain the post they had in the previous legislature. Throughout the new executive will be composed of 39 members, including two ministries without portfolio brand new, the one that will have to deal with Mental Health and that of Housing.  (more…)

Ontario, more tests and fewer Covid-cases: under 300

TORONTO – More tests and fewer cases: what emerges from today’s data on the progress of the pandemic in Ontario is a good sign. 269 new cases of Covid-19 were recorded, the lowest number since last August 5 (213). Today is also the fourth consecutive day of decline: Friday 492, Saturday 373, Sunday 370 and Monday 326 out of 18,397 tests processed against 21,800 today: the positivity rate is 1.5%. The noticeable daily drop in infections also lowered the seven-day moving average to 364 from 407 a week ago. (more…)