Adiós al spring break Trudeau suspende vuelos e impacta a México, El Caribe… y a Canadá

Desde el inicio del 2021, Canadá comenzó a exigir que todos los residentes y viajeros presenten una prueba negativa de Covid-19 antes de su salida a Canadá. Pero desde México, que forma junto a Canadá y Estados Unidos el tratado comercial T-MEC, y los países del Caribe no hay siquiera vuelos.

El primer ministro canadiense, Justin Trudeau, anunció las nuevas restricciones de viaje diciendo que todas las aerolíneas, incluyendo Air Canada, estuvieron de acuerdo en cancelar “todos los destinos del Caribe y México” hasta el 30 de abril. Continue reading

Bigotry, racism and “heterophobia” at City Council

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[GTranslate]TORONTO – In the end, from a personal perspective, one is left only with one’s good name – a reputation. Corporately, a legacy against which the public can measure value to societal standards. Both are built incrementally by sweat and tears. The ride is not always smooth.

The Corriere Canadese, in one form or another, has been in the service of the Italian Canadian community since 1954. Its purpose, from my point of view, has always been to integrate immigrant value structures into those newer ones that individual newcomers and their families were creating, in the course of their interaction with other disparate immigrant groups.
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Remembrance day in memory
of the victims of the Foibe

[GTranslate]ROME – February 10: it is the Day of Remembrance in memory of the victims of the Foibe, of the thousands of Italians killed by the Yugoslav communist militias at the end of the Second World War in Istria, Dalmatia and Venezia Giulia. “A horror that strikes our consciences” said today the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, recalling “the suffering, the grief, the uprooting, the exodus to which tens of thousands of families were forced in the areas of the eastern border, of the Istria, Rijeka and the Dalmatian coasts are inscribed with an indelible mark in the history of the tragedy of the Second World War and its consequences “.


Given the history of violence that accompanies these summits, most locals, i.e., Torontonians living in the downtown core opted to leave the city or stay in their domiciles.  I preferred to be in the thick of things when such a magnitude of an event is taking place in my neck of the woods.  With my Manila Times ID, I trekked to the (CNE) Canadian National Exhibition grounds, where the journalists were getting accredited with the mindset that if people from far away places like China, India and South Africa are able to travel here to cover the events, why not me who lives right in the heart of Toronto. When I arrived at the CNE, I presented myself as a foreign correspondent for The Manila Times.  I encountered some resistance at first but after explaining in the interview that I had been to the White House and Parliament Hill, Asia Pacific Conference (APEC) to cover big events involving world leaders and that I was a governor council appointee, I was cleared by the CSIS and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Continue reading

Consolidação da LUSOFONIA no mundo “Dia histórico no Canadá”

O Sr. Cônsul-Geral de Portugal em Toronto no Canadá, Dr. José M. C. Mendes, sublinhou por mais de uma vez que o momento vivido na tarde de 28 de Janeiro de 2021 nos estúdios da Go Live Tv em Toronto se tratava de um momento histórico. Nesta tarde, no programa “Today in Toronto with Manuel Alexandre” estiveram presentes o Cônsul-Geral de Portugal acompanhado pelo Dr. José P.Ferreira e Daniela Fresco, ambos membros do corpo de funcionários do consulado português de Toronto e via “internet” a Dra. Wanja C. Nobrega, Cônsul do Brasil em Toronto e o Sr. Consul Adjunto Ademar Seabra. Continue reading

Update of the Covid-19 Landscape

[GTranslate]Globally, there have been over 111 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 according to Johns Hopkins University data.  Since the start of the pandemic, over 87 million people have recovered and more than 2.4 million fatalities were attributable to the virus.

Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of February 21, 2021, at 11:45 am (EST).

Gender identification health and welfare

[GTranslate]TORONTO – Pity the children. Sympathize with their parents, I thought, as I listened to the audio of the meeting of the trustees at the TCDSB, Thursday, February 18. A contractor, commissioned to report on the state of ventilation systems in several of the Boards schools, was being scolded for not immediately knowing what the municipal building code said about a particular type of window opening permitted.
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