TORONTO – We Italians, ususally, are considered “crafty”: people who try to get around the rules to obtain personal advantages. It’s actually a cliché, but even if it were true… well, we found who could compete with us: the Canadians, who would have pocketed 3.2 billion dollars without being entitled to it, by providing false data. (more…)
Pubblichiamo una nota dell’Onorevole Tony Loffreda (nella foto sopra), senatore canadese indipendente, sul suo lavoro come sponsor del Bill C-32, il Fall Economic Statement Implementation Act del governo, 2022. (more…)
Loffreda: “D’autres éléments constitutifs pour renforcer l’économie et rendre la vie plus abordable”
Nous publions une mise à jour de l’honorable Tony Loffreda (dans la photo ci-dessus), sénateur canadien indépendant, sur son travail en tant que parrain du projet de loi C-32, la Loi de mise en œuvre de l’énoncé économique de l’automne 2022 du gouvernement. (more…)
We publish an update from the Honorable Tony Loffreda (in the pic above), independent Canadian senator, about his work as the sponsor of Bill C-32, the government’s Fall Economic Statement Implementation Act, 2022. (more…)