Month: July 2021

Six doses of the vaccine are not enough for the Green Pass. “I’ll sue the Ministry”

MASSA CARRARA – Everyone wants the Green Pass but not everyone wants to get vaccinated. Then, there are those who have had more than two doses of vaccine but they just can’t get the Green Pass. It’s the case of Virginia G., the 23-year-old girl from Massa, in Tuscany, a master’s student in Psychology in Pisa, who was injected with six doses of anti-Covid Pfizer vaccine by mistake, on 9 May at the hospital “Noa” di Massa (the number of injected doses was then adjusted from four to six by the ASL of Massa Carrara). (more…)

Green pass, un rebus per gli Italiani all’estero

ROMA – In Italia entra in vigore il Green Pass, che dal 6 agosto sarà obbligatorio per sedersi al ristorante e nei bar al chiuso, ma anche per grandi eventi, cinema, palestre, stadi, concorsi pubblici: si potrà ottenere con una dose di vaccino (e naturalmente con due), un tampone negativo eseguito nelle 48 ore precedenti o la certificazione della guarigione dall’infezionoe da Covid-19.  (more…)