Constitutional challenges galore, Rocco Galati where are you?

Article by The Hon. Joe Volpe — Video: CNMNG Staff

TORONTO – A new religion – the sexualization of civic and human rights and obligations – appears to be clouding people’s judgement everywhere, eroding the concept of moderation and suffocating freedoms of thought and expression which are at the heart of democratic structures and contractual institutions.

This not-so-new religion focused on “love” – defined any sex act – has the aura of disrupting the natural order of things and of challenging “the constitutionality” in relationships. The irony is probably lost on its zealots who look for new ways to disrupt the accommodations with Life that the vast Majority in our society advocates… And to silence anyone who may think differently.

In 2013, the European Court of Human Rights, in a celebrated case involving, of all things, satirical impertinence, found (under article 10 ECHR) against any interference with any individual’s right to free speech. 

In 2020, in Poland, following a free election won by a social conservative President, zealots appealed to the European parliament to punish Poland by withholding financial transfers until “poles learned their lesson”. In 2021, last week, the governing body of the UEFA European soccer tournament told the same group that, NO, the stadiums would not be coloured in rainbows; the tournament is about soccer, not their sexual preferences or identities.

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